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دستهبندي مقالات Scopus
زمينههاي پژوهشي
Mohammad Reza Gholamian is an Associate Professor in School of Industrial Engineering at the Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran. He received his M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan in 1998 and obtained Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), Tehran in 2005. Presently he is faculty member of Logistics and Supply Chain Engineering Group in School of Industrial Engineering and is actively engaged in conducting Academic, Research and Development Programs in the field of Industrial Engineering. He has contributed more than 190 research papers to many national and international journals and conferences. Besides, he has published 5 books by reputed publishers. His research interests are in the areas of Inventory Models, Supply Chain Network Design and Multi-Criteria Decision Making.
روند مقالات Scopus
روند مقالات Web of Science (ISI)o
روند داوري مقالات Web of Science (ISI)o
روند مقالات Google Scholar
همکاري بينالمللي مقالات Scopus
همکاري بينالمللي مقالات Web of Science (ISI)o