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دستهبندي مقالات Scopus
زمينههاي پژوهشي
I am an associate professor in the Department of Energy systems engineering at the School of New Technologies (Iran University of Science and Technology) since 1992. I also have a B.Sc. degree from Ferdousi Mashhad University and an M.Sc. qualification from the Sharif University of Technology in Mechanical Engineering. I also obtained my PhD. in Mechanical Engineering from Sheffield University in the UK. My research interests are in energy systems optimization and modeling.
روند مقالات Scopus
روند مقالات Web of Science (ISI)o
روند داوري مقالات Web of Science (ISI)o
روند مقالات Google Scholar
همکاري بينالمللي مقالات Scopus
همکاري بينالمللي مقالات Web of Science (ISI)o